Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Woulda Shoulda Coulda...

I'm trying to decide which is worse...not getting something because I wasn't good enough, or not getting something because I didnt' try.

After looking at the new SBA DT, I am pretty mad at myself for not trying. NOT that I think I'm "better" than the girls that got it, but because the girls that got it for the most part weren't *huge* names, so it seems like that's what SBA was going for...hence, more of a shot than say, if they wanted all HOF'ers. The girls that got it are all amazing, and I'm still intimidated, but I'm THRILLED to see some lesser known scrappers hit the big time. Good for them! :D (shoulda at least tried..grumble grumble...)

There's a Manufacturer dt call coming up that I want SOOOO badly! (Me and everyone else...LOL) I'm not gonna psyche myself out of trying though. Here's hoping...

Laters.... :D

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Back in the saddle again....

After 4 days of staring at a monitor that had gone all *wonky*, I'm relieved to say that I can actually see again. Old monitor finally gave up the ghost...and retired kicking and screaming while flashing screens of neon blue. Dear dh was able to bring one home from work that is working nicely. Now I can surf without a headache...

My baby is sick again...feverish, occasional vomiting, and boogers of bright yellow. It doesn't keep her down though! As long as the fever is medicated, she's her usual bouncy self...if much more squawky and onery than usual. Can't keep a good kid down.

Some of my digital papers are going to be in the free ScrapStreet Digi kit for February. I really like them! I also was so proud of myself...I made a "metal" hinge from scratch. I'd really LOVE to do more designing...but I keep hearing I *need* adobe illustrator and a WACOM. So...I'll just tinker for now.

CHA is rapidly coming up...and I'm still waiting for paper to distribute to my designers. It should be here any day now...can't wait to play! I'm super excited for CHA too, but am having a HARD time fighting this feeling of inadequacy I have. Why can't I just relax and have fun?

Thursday night, I submitted about 4 LO's to ST...that I REALLY liked. I felt I had a decent chance of having at least ONE picked up. (They all have recieved really positive response when I have posted them.) The deadline wasn't until the 16, but I saw toots for it FRIDAY on the veggie board. So...probably too little too late again. It's frustrating though, submitting with *theoretically* 3 days until the deadline...and finding out they'd already decided and probably didn't even LOOK at my submissions. Am I ever gonna catch a break?

Interesting discussion on Pink Martini Designs...about manufacturer DT's and layout styles. Do manufacturers want the latest style (currently art journal---which I LOVE, but does not reflect the majority of scrappers OR focus on showcasing product, imo) or do they want solid, good looking lo's with lots of product that the average scrapper feels they could duplicate (if not come up with on their own.) I hope somebody reads this, cause I'd really like to know what you think.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bad, BAD blogger....

Yep, here I am back again. Sorry for the extended lag...I been in a funk. :D

Popped in today to find 3 very nice comments on my last entry...thank you so much made my DAY!

Congrats to the AWESOME Shanna for her QK DT gig. That gal is GOING PLACES, I just know it! :D

You know that show, "My Name is Earl (ed, whatever)"? About how he figures the bad stuff in life is happening to him because he's put too much bad karma out into the universe, so to get good things to happen to him he has to put good karma out? Well, I guess I better start being a better person, because the crap has hit the fan, ladies and gents. BOTH our cars broke down over the holidays, resulting in a grand total of 3200 in repairs. Guess what? I never have that kind of money just hanging out, let alone around Christmas. Had to take out a loan against my tax return. AND, we couldn't go anywhere as a family over the break car. My in-laws, (who are really the sweetest in the world) have let us use one of their cars, even though they really use both. Only problem is, it only fits 5. We are six. Karma again...

I'm starting to feel like my blog is becoming a whine fest. Sorry!

On a positive note....


I'll have to get back to you on that one. :D