Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your Tax Dollars at Work....

So, my oldest dd has been complaining for a while that her physics teacher is two cans short of a six pack. She says that he spouts random stuff and often pulls out his guitar to serenade his class with Bob Marley, the Beatles, and all the songs he wrote for his ex-wives before they were ex.

Here's one little dialouge she shared with me:

Teacher: Here velocity equals...Hey you! Spit out your gum! Gum isn't allowed in this class, you guys know that. It's chewy and stretchy and it gets stuck on EVERYTHING.

Did you know that once in my 3rd grade class that I was chewing gum and I coughed and it shot to the front of the room and stuck to the chalkboard? You know, I really didn't like my 3rd grade teacher. She was weird and mean and smells like fish.

You know, I've never really liked fish, either. Think about it. They swim in the water and the water's all gross and they drink this water and breathe the water...

In Japan, they eat raw fish. I think that's really gross because do you know how many toxins are in fish? Like salmonella and stuff...

You know, my uncle used to go ice-fishing, but he decided he didn't like it because we didn't eat his fish. It always reminds me of this 80's song about the cold....

At this point dd says that she tuned him out. And I don't think she ever found out what velocity equalled.

We went to talk to the school guidance counselor because dd failed this class last quarter. In our conversation, we found out that the class average was FIFTY-FOUR percent.

This is NOT Honors Physics or AP Physics. This is gen ed physics that every kid in that HS has to take as part of the graduation requirements. And this guy's class average is an F.

I asked if we could move her. The counselor said we should "talk to the teacher first."

And say what, exactly? "You stink and we want a new teacher? Physics does not equal fish and velocity does not equal the speed of your coughed out gum as it hits the chalkboard?"

So...now my DH, who is quite good at things such as math and physics has taken over re-teaching physics to my teen. It's stressfull sometimes, because they don't understand math on the same wavelength. But at least it's PHYSICS and not the Beatles.

Not that there's anything wrong with the Beatles, of course. But if I want my daughter listening to classic rock, I'll buy her a CD.

I don't expect it to come out of my taxes.


Meridith said...

Thank you for following my blog... unfortunately, some of the guys my DH works with have been looking at it and making jokes about it at work. So, in order to try to protect DH, I am making my blog private. If you would like to continue reading, please send me your email address so I can send you an invitation. My email address is mermay1677@yahoo.com.

Becca Watson said...

That sounds like a friend of mine.. He of course is going to school to be a teacher.. But he wants to eork with the younger kids, so I guess its okay if he gets off topic with them..

Swirl Girl said...

tell me again why teacher pay raises are not tied to performance??

lynette355 said...

Yah! I really would go and tell him. You can't teach and my daughter and others are suffering for it. If you suffer from ADD so badly that you can not stay on track then get some help. If you do not like to teach find another job. If you want to make any kind of difference in any one of these children's lives then do your job. Get another teacher to help you come up with a lesson plan and stick to it. If you can not do any of these things and your principal will not help then I am going to the school board. Oh BTW that lil box you see sitting on my daughter's desk is a tape recorder. As a study aid and if need be to be proof of your "teaching" style.

Get tough and play hard ball! This is your daughter's education the man is playing with.

Fink said...

I always hate that they say we need to talk to the teacher! If I wanted to do that I would just call myself! Give us an update!

Becca Watson said...

Hi again, I have some awards for you over at my blog. Come and get them!!

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

Ok you went to the guidance counselor - and that really accomplished nothing. Its time to go to the department head and complain - if the average grade was an F it was NOT your daughter it IS the teacher and that is what you need to stress to the department head. And if you get no where there - its off to the principal and then the school board!

Its great that your dear hubby can help but your tax dollars are not paying his "salary" to teach physics (or math or english or any other subject). If your taxes are anything like mine - those school taxes are 3/4 of the bill - I want QUALITY for my dollars NOT STORY TIME

Good luck.

Stampin' Meg said...

Wow- that teacher sounds like a total odd ball. Maybe ask the principal have someone go sit in on his class and witness his errrrr technique!

Elizabeth said...

Wowsers. I think his class stats speak for themselves, make sure you use that when you talk to whomever that you are going to talk too that might listen... Good luck Mer!

Shellieh said...

Talk about a "flight of ideas" this guy can't focus, lol. Maybe he needs to get on some meds for ADD. :D

Suzanne said...

i agree girl, his stats speak more than anything...it's unreal that the counselor would advise to talk to the teacher first...shouldn't it be the child and parent's choice if anything?